Workshops |
North Macedonia
25 Jul 2022
- 4 Aug 2022
Krushevo and Ohrid, North Macedonia
Traditional Folk Dance from MACEDONIA - SASHKO ANASTASOV
Traditional Folk Dance from MACEDONIA -
Krushevo - Ohrid
25th July - 04th August 2022
accompanied by
Filip Arilon - Stojan Stojanov
and the Vila Zora Orchestra for the music
This year the seminar will be hold in :
Krushevo from 25th July to 31th July
Krushevo is a mountain town. Situated at an altitude of 1,350 meters Krushevo is the highest
town in the Republic of Macedonia. Krushevo is known for its 19th century domestic architecture.
The town has old and more recent houses built in the style of old Macedonian architecture.
Ohrid from 31th July to 04th August
Ohrid is a large town in southwestern North Macedonia on the shore of Lake Ohrid. A town of vast
history and heritage, it was made a UNESCO heritage site in 1980. Nestled between high
mountains up to 2,100 m and Lake Ohrid, it is not only a place of historic significance but also of
outstanding natural beauty. Ohrid is the jewel in North Macedonia's crown.
Dancing 10.00 a.m – 12.00 a.m; 17.00 p.m – 19.00 p.m
Folk singing 16.00 p.m – 17.00 p.m
Evenings Live music with orchestra of FE “Vila Zora”, and other activities
- Opening of the folk dance festival ”Ilindenski denovi” in Bitola
- Korce, one of the prettiest cites in Albania with cobblestones streets and grand villas as from
the 20s and 30s.
- Some additonal excursions can be organized for a small amount
For registration,
Please contact before 15th may 2022,
The number of participants is limited
Laila Lappartient
Phone : + 389 77 55 68 58
+ 45 40 75 49 37
Sashko Anastasov
Phone + 389 70 67 11 18

Boris Dimitrov