Festivals |
4 May 2023
- 7 May 2023
International Folklore Festival "Gergiovsko veselie"
Dear friends,
Community Center "Svetlina 1906" - Kremikovtsi district, Association "Gergiovsko veselie", Representative Dance Ensemble "Kremikovtsi", Children's Dance Ensemble "Kremikovche" and Folk Club "Zharava", we have the Pleasure to invite YOU to this year's SEVENTEENTH in a row International Folklore Festival "Gergiovsko veselie" .
The beginning of the festival will be given on 05/04/2023 at 18:00 in front of the "Svetlina - 1906" Primary School, and the final will be on 05/07/2023, again in front of the community center.
We expect you to be participants and our dear guests this year!
The event on Facebook:
Boris Dimitrov