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6 May 2024 - 8 May 2024
Kremikovsky Monastery and Kremikovtsi quarter, Sofia

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18th International Festival "Gergyovsko veselie"

18th International Festival "Gergyovsko veselie"
- Kremikovtsi 2024
from 06.05.2024 to 08.05.2024

More information and the names of the participating ensembles and groups are coming soon!

Anyone who wishes to participate and perform can submit a request from the following link by April 15, 2024.

18th International Festival Gergyovsko veselie 2024

18th International Festival Gergyovsko veselie 2024

Video from the International Festival "Gergyovsko veselie"
- Kremikovtsi 2021
"Gergeovden" - choreography: Dimitar Dimitrov, music: Ivan Valev
performance: Dance ensemble "Kremikovtsi"

Boris Dimitrov
10 May 2024
Community Center "Hristo Vitkov-1899" in the village of Lokorsko

Folklore concert "Friends through dance"

The concert "Friends through Dance" will take place on May 10, 2024 in the hall of the People's Community Center "Hristo Vitkov-1899" in the village of Lokorsko at 7:00 p.m.

- Dance group "Lokorsko"
- Club for folk dances "Desi"
- Children's dance group
- Duet Emma and Sofia Kirilovi

The guests from Mexico "RAICES DE MEXICO"

- Representative dance ensemble "Kremikovtsi"
- Folklore dance ensemble "Na Megdana"

Facebook event: www.facebook.com

Folklore concert

Boris Dimitrov
11 May 2024
Hall 1 of the NDK, Sofia

"Shumenska Gara"

On May 11, 2024, in hall 1 of the NDK, at 8:00 p.m., the Bulgare Foundation and the association "Association of Choreographers in Bulgaria" will present the most spectacular dance performance in the history of Bulgarian dance art - "Shumenska Gara".
Over 1,500 dancers from 40 dance formations across the country will appear on stage in a common work to show the beauty of Bulgarian folklore, passing through moments of the history of the city of Shumen.
A unique variety of music, dances and costumes, a lot of humor and mood, a combination of dance styles with an original script and direction. You can see all this only and only on May 11, 2024, in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture from 20:00. - Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius and Day of the city of Shumen.

Producer, screenwriter and director of the show – Hristo Dimitrov
Under the patronage of the mayor of the city of Shumen – Hristo Hristov, with the assistance of the municipality of Shumen.

Шуменската гара - спектакъл на Ансамбъл Българе

The following will take part in the concert-performance of the Association of Choreographers in Bulgaria and the "Bulgare" Foundation "Shumenska Gara":

Tickets at the NDK box office and Eventim

Balkanfolk Calendar
11 May 2024

National Festival "Hortseto na Defileto"

This year, on May 11, the 4th edition of the National Festival - "Hortseto na Defileto" (The Horse of the Gorge) will be held in the city of Mezdra, Bulgaria

Main objectives of the festival:
- To provide an opportunity for performers who love and deal with Bulgarian folk dance art.
- Preservation of the Bulgarian way of life, customs, manners and traditions in our folk dance heritage.
- To create entertainment and delight for the audience with the patriotic spirit of dances, music and the richness of our folk costumes.

- The festival has no competitive nature and no participation fee.
- All clubs and schools for Bulgarian folk dances and choirs have the right to participate.
- Participants are required to be dressed in folk costumes.
- Club leaders have the right to take part in the competition program.
- Participants must be amateurs.
- The musical accompaniment is chosen by the participants. If it is on record, be provided on a flash drive, arranged in the order of people's performance.

The organizers reserve the right to videotape and photograph the performances of the participants in the competition, for the purpose of creating an archive and promotion, and the same will not be used for commercial purposes.
All teams will receive a certificate of participation.

Request for participation is submitted to e-mail: festivals.mezdra@gmail.com
The request must be submitted by 02.05.2024 in free text with the following mandatory information:
1. Name of the group
2. Population
3. Manager /three names, telephone, e-mail/
4. Number of participants
5. Name, time signature and from which ethnographic area are the people to participate in the first stage

National Festival - Hortseto na Defileto

Balkanfolk Calendar
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