Stoyan Varnaliev - Bulgarian folk singer
The fans call him `Orpheus from Yambol`. Stoyan Varnaliev is one of those Bulgarians, who are endowed with rich voice, and believe performing of folklore songs is a mission of them. He is a student of the recognized Thracian singer Valkana Stoyanova, who passed more than a hundred authentic Thracian songs on to him. One part of them she had preserved, but never recorded. Some of the songs tell about shepherds and rebels, and while one listens he feels as though he could smell the baking lamb in the Mountain.
The first CD with folklore songs of Stoyan Varnaliev was released by the prestigious music company `Gega`, which is claiming to release not only all the Bulgarian opera stars, but also the best musicians in all genres.
Stoyan Varnaliev has made concerts and recordings in a number of countries, from Japan to Georgia. In Georgia he recorded a song, which he sang in Bulgarian, and Georgians were chanting. Soon this song will be played on our radios.
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| Graovsko | | Spring in Trace | | Krivoto | | Buryano, Buryanke 2/4 | | Trite pati | | Novoselsko | | Svatbarska rachenitsa | | Buchimish | | Krivo horo | | Megdanskata |