Several generations of dancers won the wild applause of the audience performing the Hall of the Community Center "Svetlina 1906" in Kremikovtzi district on 8.06.2019.
We wish all dancers and their leaders to continue to enjoy the riches of the Bulgarian rhythms.
Аrtistic director of the ensemble Valentina Kitova
Thanks for the photos of: Joulieta Marinova
Concert from Folk Dance Panorama 2018 in Burgas - 16 November 2018. They include Strandzha Professional Folklore Ensemble, Nikola Ginov Ensemble, Atanas Manchev Ensemble, Lukoil Neftochim Ensemble and Rombana Dance Ensemble - Yambol
The Concert of Folk Dance Panorama 2018 in Plovdiv will take place on 06 June 2018 in the from 20:00 with the participation of: Folk Ensemble "Trakia", Academic folklore ensemble at AMTII, Folklore Dance Ensemble "Sedenchitsa", Folklore Dance Ensemble "Iglika", Folklore Ensemble "Slav Boykin"
Surva, the International Festival of the Masquerade Games held in the town of Pernik is the biggest event of this type not only in Bulgaria but on the Balkan Peninsula as well. It promotes variations of ancient Bulgarian customs that are still alive today. These are an important part of the Bulgarian folklore tradition and are meant to be performed by single men and women. With its competitive nature, the festival is not only a venue but also a contest for the living vessels of this tradition, namely the Kukeri and Survakari.
The Municipality of Pernik has been holding the festival ever since 1966. In 1985 the festival gained international-event status. In 1995 the International Federation of Carnival Cities accepted the town of Pernik as its full member. In June, 2009 Pernik was proclaimed as the European capital of Surva`s and Mumers.
ХXVII International Festival of the Masquerade Games „Surva” was held on 27 and 28 January 2018.
Official site of the Surva Festival: , Presentation of the Surva Festival in the Art Portal
Pictures from Folkloren izvor 2015 National Folklore Festival, Tsarevets, Svishtov.
Снимки от Национален фолклорен фестивал "Фолклорен извор 2015" с. Царевец, община Свищов.
През 2011 година за първи път се проведе Национален Фолклорен фестивал "Фолклорен извор", с. Царевец, общ. Свищов.
Фестивалът се организира от НЧ „Светлина – Царевец 1927”, Кметство с. Царевец, ППОК "Изгрев - 93" и Община Свищов.
Фестивалът се провежда под патронажа на Министерсвто на културата на Република България.
Официални медийни партньори са Българска Национална телевизия /БНТ/ и Българско Национално радио /БНР/.