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Bulgarian embroidered aprons
12 March 2024

We present to you the latest models of aprons with Bulgarian embroidery made in the Balkanfolk atelier. You will find embroidered aprons from different regions of Bulgaria - Varna, Samokov, Shop, Razlog, Macedonian, Thracian, etc.

You can order the embroidered aprons on our website at: Balkanfolk.com.

Aprons from Northern Bulgaria - Bulgarian traditional apron from Northern Bulgaria ( Misia ) - BF 321534 Traditional Bulgarian apron from Region of Thrace with embroidery BF 220136 Traditional Bulgarian apron from Region of Thrace with embroidery BF 220137 Black wool apron from Varna Region of Bulgaria with embroidery and fringe - BF 520433 Bulgarian embroidered aprons BF 120231 - from Shop Region Traditional Bulgarian apron from Region of Thrace with embroidery. - BF 220533 Traditional Bulgarian apron from Region of Dobruzha with embroidery - BF 521533

Bulgarian traditional apron from Northern Bulgaria ( Misia ) - BF 321534

Bulgarian traditional apron from Northern Bulgaria ( Misia ) - BF 321534
25.09.2022, Boris Dimitrov

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