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ZORNITSA - Student's Folk Dance Ensemble, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Sofia, Bulgaria
The Student's folk dance ensemble Zornitsa is formed in 1981. The repertoire of the ensemble presents the best and the most typical art specimens from each ethnographic region of Bulgaria: the playfulness of Misia, the swift as the wind rhythms of Shopluka (Sofia district), the passionate warm-heartedness of sunny Thrace the ritual homage paying to the fruit-bearing earth of the Rhodopes and the romanticrebel spirit of Macedonia in the area of the Pirin Mountains.
Many dance forms are included in the concert program of the ensemble - subject and thematic forms suites.
The traditional choreography in its modern rendition in the inspired performances of Zornitsa ensemble arouses the admiration and the acclaim of the public, turning the concerts into festivals of youth and beauty.
The duration of the performances can be from 5 to 90 minutes. Since its formation Zornitsa has had thousands and thousands meetings with the public. The great numbers of participation in international folk forums brought the ensemble the highest appreciation on the part of specialists and public.
"The student s folk dance ensemble ZORNITSA is very popular in our country. The ensemble includes the best dance specimens from practically all ethnographic regions of our original folk culture. The performers - all students are working selflessly with affection in this ensemble. They got an united art group with notable skills of performance and a phenomenal artistry, full of emotion."
Prof. Gueorgui Abrashev
Professor of composition and dance forms
"Vigorous dancers and an effective orchestra. "Vigour, Creativity, Beauty" are the words that make up the poetic art image of this enthusiastic collective, called ZORNITSA."
Prof. Kiril Stefanov
Art Director of PIRIN folk song and dance ensemble
"ZORNITSA has given us a magnificent performance, undoubtedly the best one for the summer. If you have any contact with this ensemble, do not hesitate. They are really great."
Heyve Le Cunff
"Saint-Jean-de-Monts", France

Photos of Zornitsa Folk Dance Ensemble
DVDs of Zornitsa Folk Ensemble
For Contact:
Emil Genov
Sofia, Bulgaria
e-mail: genovemil@gmail.com
phone: +359 2 8322010
mobile: +359 888728776