6 results, 1 page |
Festivals |
18 Apr 2008
- 25 Apr 2008
Antalya, Turkey
9th International Antalya Children Festival
9th International Antalya Children Festival organized by FOMGED Youth Club in Antalya, Turkey.
Children throughout the world will meet again in a Fomged Festival, which is participated by thousands of children annually, and will send their friendly and peacefully messages to the whole world from Antalya.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
19 Apr 2008
- 24 Apr 2008
Bergama - İzmir / TURKEY
XII.Intern. Pergamon Chıld Festıval
Dear Director,
Our best wishes from Bergama your twin-city.
We are very glad to honored to be in contact with you and your folk dance group. I would like to invite you and “Welcome” you to our XII.International Children Folk Dance and Music festival.
This festival program includes folk dance and folk music performances, sport tournaments between dance groups, picnics, historical visits etc.
Arif Sönmez
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
20 Apr 2008
- 25 Apr 2008
Cagfen College International Children Folk Dance Festival
Cagfen College International Children Folk Dance Festival will be held in Eskisehir on 20-25 April 2008.
Eskisehir is very beautiful city that is 3 hour away from capital city Ankara and 5 hour away from Istanbul.
Intention is to introduce our country, to provide getting together different cultures and creating new friendship between all children in the festival for 7-13 age of children.
It will be very interesting and nice for us to host you and your group in our festival.
Festivals |
20 Apr 2008
- 25 Apr 2008
Özdere, Izmir
International Children Folklore Folkdance & Music Festival
“Ege Folkart Youth Club” will organize International Children Festival in 20-25 April 2008 with Özdere Municipality – Izmir, Turkey
For contact: Arif Sönmez
IOV-Intern. Festıvals Comm.Member of Turkey
International Children Festival
Official Form
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
20 Apr 2008
- 25 Apr 2008
IOV-Intern.Festıvals Comm.Member of Turkey
Internatıonal Avrasya Chıldren Festıval
Dear Folklore Friends,
Greetings from Turkey.
Anatolian Folk Dance Group was founded by Mr. Arif SONMEZ in 1992. Till today group had performed Anatolian Folk Dances and Musics with original dances, costumes and musics in Turkey and lots of foreign countries. Our aim is meet cultures together without look their religions, languages and lineages. The most importand think is peace and friendship between folks in all over the world.
Anatolian Folk Dance Group is IOV International Festivals Comm. Member of Turkey. We are inviting folk dance and musics group from all over the world where we orginizing folk dance festivals in Turkey. And also we are sending folk dance groups from Turkey who needs Turkish folk dance and music groups.
Arif Sönmez
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
20 Apr 2008
- 24 Apr 2008
II International Children Folk Dance Festival
Announced festival is a Y A R E N Ajans organization (www.yarenajans.com) open to children folk dance groups of a high artistic standard.
Please send your e-mail to yarenajans@yahoo.com for the festival conditions, details and application, including short description of your group and some photos as soon as possible. Group selection will be done due to application dates of the groups.
6 results, 1 page |