12 results, 2 pages |
Festivals |
Puerto Rico
1 Dec 2007
- 10 Dec 2007
1st International Culture Festival
IOV Puerto Rico, in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company and Guamanique Folk Company, would kindly like to invite you to the 1st International Culture Festival in Puerto Rico.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Competitions |
1 Dec 2007
Sofia, Hall of UACG
5th Children’s National Folklore Competition-Concert
Ten children’s folklore ensembles from Sofia and the country will take part in the fifth children’s national folklore competition-concert “Bulgarian Folklore 2007”, which will take place on 1 December 2007 (Saturday) from 5 pm in the Hall of UACG (University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy) in Sofia.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
United States of America
2 Dec 2007
University of California, Santa Barbara
Middle East Ensemble Fall Quarter Concert
Middle East
Ensemble Fall Quarter Concert. Featuring music and dances from the Middle
East. This concert will also feature music and dances from Armenia and
Dr. Professor Jatila van der Veen - Davis
Spectacles |
12 Dec 2007
National Palace of Culture, Sofia
“Refugees” Premiere – A Show by Neshka Robeva
The premiere night of Neshka Robeva’s show “Refugees”.
Neshka’s dancers will portray the immigrants’ fate by the means of an unexpected and true mixture of Argentine tango with Balkan, Armenian and Jewish rhythms.
The show starts at 7 PM
National Palace of Culture, Hall 1
Translation in English: Vera Genova
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
15 Dec 2007
Sofia, Theatre of Bulgarian Army
25th Anniversary of “Zornitsa” Folklore Ensemble
A gala concert on the occasion of the 25th anniversary from the foundation of Students’ dance ensemble “Zornitsa” from Sofia, Bulgaria - art director Emil Genov.
The concerts starts at 7:00 PM on December 15, 2007 in the Theatre of Bulgarian Army in Sofia.
Борис Димитров
Workshops |
15 Dec 2007
- 16 Dec 2007
8640 Vleteren (Belgium)
Dances from Pirin and other Bulgarian regions with prof. N. Cvetkov
A full weekend of Bulgarian dances with Nikolaj Cvetkov from Blagoevgrad.
For more information see the flyer (Dutch, french)
Flyer in french
Flyer in dutch
Bernard Duthoy
Competitions |
15 Dec 2007
Varna, the Congress Hall of the Palace of Culture and Sport
14th National Dance Competition ‘Christmas Outdance’
On 15 December in the Congress Hall of the Palace of Culture and Sport in Varna the 14th National Dance competition ‘Christmas Outdance Varna 2007’ will take place.
Three categories of Bulgarian folk dance performers will take part:
- Dance ensembles – adults – for choreographed and authentic folklore;
- Children’s dance ensembles – for choreographed folklore;
- Composite dance couples.
Translation in English: Vera Genova
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
16 Dec 2007
Sofia, Earth and Man National Museum
10 Years Zornitsa Vocal Folklore Group
Folklore concert on the occasion of 10 years from the foundation of “Zornitsa” vocal folklore group from Sofia, directed by Dinko Dimov. The group has won many prizes amongst which the special award for authentic song at "Macedonia folk 2006" festival.
The concert starts at 4 PM
Entrance free
Борис Димитров
Concerts |
17 Dec 2007
Vratsa, Bulgaria
Christams Concert of the ‘Father Paissi’ Secondary School in Vratsa
The Christmas concert of the students at ‘Choreography’ profile at ‘Father Paissi’ Secondary School in Vratsa will be held from 6.30 PM in the town concert hall.
Just before the concert ‘A Muse’ Art club to the school organizes a Christmas exhibition-bazaar in the foyer of ‘Razvitie’ cultural club at 5.00 PM.
Translation in English: Vera Genova
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
18 Dec 2007
Yambol, the Concert hall of the Municipality of Yambol
Christmas Folklore Concert in Yambol
The Bulgarian folklore dances troupe to “Saglassie” Cultural club with director Maya Todorova will give a Christmas concert on 18 December 2008 from 18:30 in the Concert hall of the Municipality of Yambol.
The troupe is composed of 3 separate groups of children from 6 to 18 years, a concert group “Rombana” and “Horo” club.
Translation in English: Vera Genova
Balkanfolk Calendar
12 results, 2 pages |