 | Svatbarska rachenitsa |  | Neda voda nalivala |  | Radomirsko horo |  | Lipnishko horo |  | Kukunjasa |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Buchimish |  | Pazardjishka kopanitsa |  | Aftanska rachenitsa |  | Djinovsko |  | Gankino horo |  | Kak se cuka cer piper 2/4 |  | Chula te mama, Rado le |  | Varnensko horo |  | Dzhanguritsa |
7 results, 1 page |
Folk Tours |
20 Jul 2008
- 25 Aug 2008
childrens folk camp
Once upon a time
In a small village of Kassandra, we have created "Once upon a time", with much artistic feeling and love for children and man, tradition, nature and life...
"Once upon a time...
Means holidays and relaxation! Entertainment and action! Daring and adventure! A live fairytale-like reality...
In a ravine where holly, myrtles, arbutuses rove their braches. At a place where nightingales compose their musical symphonies In a valley whose boundaries are set by pine clad mountainsides.
Near the unique natural spring of Kassandra "Patatlaka", where gurgling waters spring from the heart of the mountain...
...at a place with a climate that can be compared to no other. At New Skioni, located at the peninsula of Kassandra in the prefecture of Halkidiki, only 1 km from the northeastern part of the picturesque village. All tradition gathered in this valley which seems as if untouched by time; however you will discover that time here is never enough if you want to see everything.
With the initiative of Dimitra Papachristodoulou - Gogakou, educator by profession, who wanted to give sound principles to her children - pupils and dreamt of a live folklore workshop, we created "Once upon a time..." with much artistic feeling and love for children and man, tradition nature and life.
Children are approximately the same age, forming small groups with an older person us their team leader, stay in small modern houses.
Experienced educators and trainers have prepared special programs concerning entertainment, creative and athletic activities.
Special care to the health of children, offered 24 hours a day by a doctor or a nurse.
Because technology has made man arrogant and egocentric.
Because we think that environmental education does not work when man face environment authoritatively.
Because the "Nature-Animals-Man" triptych must retain a balance
Because man can never realize the fact that man and environment are interdependent by means of words but by experience and actions. This is the reason why we created "Once upon a time"
At its live folklore workshops you will see nature, man, animals in an interdependent harmonic and balanced relationship.
At "Once upon a time" you will see no dead exhibition areas.
You will experience live tradition, a fairytale-like reality, a game of tradition and life, of nature, man, animals, in as ideal relationship.
Contact :Mr.Arif Sönmez - turkei_iov@yahoo.com
Web sıte:www.gogakou.gr
once upon a time
Traditional village
Traditional programmes
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
1 Aug 2008
- 15 Aug 2008
The First International Folklore Dances Festival in Belgrade
The first international folklore danse festival under the name of “Cultural Mosaic”, in which more then 50 folk dance ensembles from Serbia , as well as all over the world will participate, will be held in Belgrade. International Festival organized by SUMADIJSKI OPANAK in Belgrade, Serbia.
Uros Derota
Festivals |
1 Aug 2008
- 27 Aug 2008
Primorsko, Bulgaria
Festival Summer 2008 - International Summer Art Academy
Let's all sing and compete in singing, let's all play and excel in playing, let's all dance and out dance.
Organized for seven consecutive time by “EUROGRADE” Ltd. and “EUROGRADE BG” Ltd. with the support of Primorsko Municipality.
From 07.06.2008 till 27.08.2008
Димитър Тодоров
Workshops |
5 Aug 2008
- 17 Aug 2008
West Macedonia (Prespa Lake) - Greece
Seminar Traditional GREEK dances in western Macedonia
In a region rich both in history and traditions. In the village of LEMOS near Prespa Lake (natural border between Albania, Fyrom/ex-Yu. Rep.of Macedonia,and Greece).
Alongside the native Macedonians, live Vlach, Pontic and Sarakatsani families, refugees from Asia Minor and Albanian immigrants. This mixture of ethnic cultures creates a uniquely rich and varied experience for the workshop participants at local festivities ("panegiria") and parties ("glendia"). Traditional dance in this part of Macedonia is still very ALIVE and we have many opportunities to join the residents of the neighbouring villages and share with them the happiness in dancing their OWN dances !
Program : all the facets of Greek dance and music are gathered with participationof teachers native from the region taught and respectful of their traditions : Macedonia, Epirus, Islands and Crete, Thraki, Pondos,Minor Asia, etc ...
Information :
Yannis Konstantinou - yankost@otenet.gr
mobile 0030 6 944 946 227
Maryse Fabre - maryse.fabre3@wanadoo.fr
mobile 0033 6 81 20 73 79

Maryse FABRE
Festivals |
10 Aug 2008
- 16 Aug 2008
Portugal, Angra do Heroismo
XXIV International Folklore Festival of Azores
XXIV International Folklore Festival of Azores organized by COFIT (Terceira's International Organizing Committee)
Rua Padre Maximo, no 4, Santa Luzia
9700-142 Angra do Heroismo
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
10 Aug 2008
- 17 Aug 2008
Polygyros (Greek: Πολύγυρος), Greece
4 International Folklore Festival in Poligiros
Participants: Folklore groups with main folk dance, music, singing.
Place of event: Poligiros and surrounding towns and villages.
The organizing committee will choose the groups that will participate in the festival. Groups that are interested in participating must send us photos, videos and information about the group. The submitted photo and video material are to the organizers free disposal.
Folklore market: All groups participating in the Festival must offer in various opportunities original and authentic products, like handcrafts, cassettes, compact discs for sale.
Regulations for the festival
Efi Proikou
Festivals |
12 Aug 2008
- 17 Aug 2008
Confolens, France
51th International Folklore Festival Confolens
51th International Folklore Festival Confolens
For more information: info@festivaldeconfolens.com
Balkanfolk Calendar
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