 | Staro breznishko horo |  | Trite pati |  | Aftanska rachenitsa |  | Buchimish |  | Lipnishko horo |  | Ratsinata |  | Trite pati |  | Grancharsko horo |  | Neda voda nalivala |  | Svatbarska rachenitsa |  | Chula te mama, Rado le |  | Cherkezkata |  | Radomirsko horo |  | Ludo kopano |  | Varnensko horo |
3 results, 1 page |
Competitions |
23 Apr 2009
- 26 Apr 2009
Community center "Hristo Botev", Novi Pazar, Bulgaria
Eighth National Competition accordionist "Dancing Keys"
Eighth National Competition accordionist with international participation "Dancing Keys" - the town of Novi Pazar is organized by the community center "Hristo Botev" - Novi Pazar
The contest is annual and its purpose is to seek and promote talented young accordionist - kontsertirashti future performers and teachers, to maintain the established traditions, develop and stimulate interest in the accordion as an instrument popular in Bulgaria with an extremely high musical and expressive possibilities.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Folk Tours |
25 Apr 2009
- 2 May 2009
Suceava and Bucovina
Dance and Cultural Tours Romania 2009 - Suceava and Bucovina
From 25 April to 2 May, 2009 the DOINA Foundation organized dance and cultural tour in Romania (Suceava - Bucovina)
DOINA Foundation
Aarhuispad 22, 3067 PR Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Phone: +31-10-421 86 22, Fax: +31-10-455 60 65,
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
26 Apr 2009
- 10 May 2009
Monastir, Tunisia
International children’s and youth musical art festival
Company Pitagross invites you to take part in an International musical youth and children’s festivals, which will take place in Monastir, Tunisia.
26.04.09-10.05.09 - Maghreb's wings
In festivals can participate collectives of different genres: Academic and folk choirs, vocal groups, soloists, choreographic collectives, soloists of folk and modern dance, orchestras and string, wind and folk ensembles, folk groups and others.
During the festival every collective gets an opportunity to present their contest program and to get an international diploma. Festival’s judges are honored figures of the Czech culture, teachers of leading musical and choreographic institutes of Prague.
Don’t be hesitating to ask questions.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Best regards,
Pitagross s.r.o.
Festival program
Pitagross s.r.o.
3 results, 1 page |
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