Workshops |
United States of America
11 May 2009
- 13 Jun 2009
Jazzschool, Berkeley - USA
Balkan Music Ensemble at the Jazzschool, Berkeley
10 week workshop: Saturdays mornings 10:00-11:30 April 11 to June 13 cost: $360.
This workshop is open to all instrumentalists from intermediate to advanced levels.
Music from the Balkan countries (Greece, Bulgaria and Macedonia and many more) contains so-called ³odd meters,² such as 7/8, 5/8 and 11/8. While this may seem complicated, this is dance-based music and the flow of these rhythms is completely natural once you feel them. The scales used in music from this part of the world are distinctive and beautiful.
The repertoire itself is as varied as the languages are. A variety of material is presented by ear and stylistic components of these styles including ornamentation, playing back up rhythm and improvisation are covered. Please bring a recording device to class if possible. Written music and CD¹s are provided.
For more information:
Phone: 510-845-5373
For specific questions about the Balkan Ensemble workshop, contact
The Jazzschool is located at 2087 Addison St. Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

Balkanfolk Calendar