Festivals |
16 Jun 2009
- 22 Jun 2009
73.Internatıonal Pergamon Folk Festıval
Our best wishes from Bergama your twin-city.
We will celebrate the 73th International Kermes of Bergama between 16th and 22th June 2008.
We are in wish to celebrate this happening of the 73th Kermes together with your participation, due to the friendship of our towns.
In witness there of, we kindly invite you and your music, dance,show and art groups or other activity groups to Bergama, for the festival, organized between 16th and 22th June 2008.
The conditions of the participations are given below.
If you can participate to our Kermes, we will be happy to see you and your activity group here in Bergama.
Arif Sönmez
Festıval Organıser
Tel/Fax : + 90 232 3303157
Arif Sönmez