Festivals |
20 Mar 2010
- 1 Apr 2010
Balkan Music on the ship
Danube Music Festival
Once again, The Danube, the longest European river will be the host of our festival. Virtuoso musicians, who take their inspiration from going against the stream, will gather on the ship because music is like the river flows, never the same. The theme of this edition will be "Music and Memory".
Musicians from the eight countries along Danube will play together and explore their cultural traditions. Many special guests from Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Russia, Albania, Norway, Spain and other countries will join them. We will get together unexpected meetings with: Alan Bern & " The Other Europeans" band, Ahmet Misirli, Ivo Papasov, Marta Sebestyen, Carlos Nunez and many others............
What makes this festival unique is its incomparable atmosphere of music and creativity that exists day and night. You will be in the “Heart” and the “Kitchen” of the musical creation, living and discussing with the musicians. From march 20th to April 1st, a daily programm with concerts, seminars, workshops... we only wait for you! At last but not least we have a special discount until November 30th ! Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the ship, cabins, catering, special conditions etc. on mail: danubemusicfestival@gmail.com
From march 20th to April 1st, a daily programm with concerts, seminars, workshops... we only wait for you!
At last but not least we have a special discount until November 30th !
Visit us and tell your friends to do so at

Maria Pavlova
Festivals |
Czech Republic
27 Mar 2010
- 1 Apr 2010
(Prague – Teplice –Karlovy Vary –Dresden –Berlin)
The Feast of Spring - International Childrens Festival Czech Republic &Germany
A Unique Children's Art Forever!
Participants will have a chance to show their talent and skill, and at the same time they will enjoy the beauty of the most attractive city’s in Europe and meet new friends.
The International Festival -competition for the participants from 8th. to 26 years is held in the following categories: Choreography – solo & groups (folk - -ethnic dance);
Singing (folk);Folk instruments – groups (large and small).
The festivals of the Endowment Fund International Youth Forum has been in existence since 2002 and is now a biennial event. It has established itself as an intimate, friendly, well-organised event with an emphasis on making life as easy as possible for participating groups and their directors.
Since 2002, projects organized by the fund have been supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, by the City Hall of Prague, governors of regions and international organizations and political structures in the EU. Also, the festival of the Endowment Fund was included in the culture program of the Czech Presidency of the European Union in 2009.
Every year the fund organizes over 15 social projects in the Czech Republic, Germany, France and Austria and in other countries with a total participation of about 10,000 children.
We hope that you will choose one of these festivals, where you will represent your talented groups from your country on the prestige international competition on the best stages in the Europe.
For more questions don’t be hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to meet you in the Czech Republic!
Tel.: +420-267911785
Fax.: +420-267911783
GSM: +420-731484366

Anastasia Drbalova