Fests |
17 Aug 2010
- 22 Aug 2010
N.Skıoni-Halkidiki, GREECE
In a small village of Kassandra, we have created "Once upon a time", with much artistic feeling and love for children and man, tradition, nature and life...
"Once upon a time...
Means holidays and relaxation! Entertainment and action! Daring and adventure! A live fairytale-like reality...
In a ravine where holly, myrtles, arbutuses rove their braches. At a place where nightingales compose their musical symphonies In a valley whose boundaries are set by pine clad mountainsides.
Near the unique natural spring of Kassandra "Patatlaka", where gurgling waters spring from the heart of the mountain...
...at a place with a climate that can be compared to no other. At New Skioni, located at the peninsula of Kassandra in the prefecture of Halkidiki, only 1 km from the northeastern part of the picturesque village. All tradition gathered in this valley which seems as if untouched by time; however you will discover that time here is never enough if you want to see everything.
At "Once upon a time" you will see no dead exhibition areas.
You will experience live tradition, a fairytale-like reality, a game of tradition and life, of nature, man, animals, in as ideal relationship.
Arif Sönmez
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
22 Aug 2010
- 27 Aug 2010
N.Skıoni-Halkidiki // GREECE
Intern. Gogakou Folkdance & Folkmusic Festıval..
Dear Frıends of Culture,
It's great honour for us to invite you to Greece..Prefecture of Skioni
III.Internatıonal meeting of Chıldren and Youth Folkdance and Folk musıc Ensembles..For the year 2010 the Festıval will be held in the period from 22 - 27 August 2010.
The Festıval is open the amateur Folklore Ensembles of Dancing and Music groups with live or recorded music and for partıcıpants between the ages 10 to 30 years old.
x Accomodatıon in a Gogakou Folk Camp. www.gogakou.gr
x Three meals perday/perperson
x No limit on the number of people to partıcıpate in Festıval.
x Free excursions to the seasıde,swimming pool,parties and all camp activites..
x A guıde for each group speaking English.
x Diploma and some gifts for each person
x Normal medical care
Arrıval Date : 22.08.2010 (afternoon)
Dep. Date : 27.08.2010 (After the breakfast)
Full registration / person : 120 Euro...
For each participant team there will be two(2) free of charge..
Arif Sönmez
Arif Sönmez