 | Radomirsko horo |  | Aftanska rachenitsa |  | Svatbarska rachenitsa |  | Ratsinata |  | Pazardjishka kopanitsa |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Dunavsko horo |  | Buchimish |  | Srednogorska kopanitsa |  | Kukunjasa |  | Mari Stoyne |  | Chula te mama, Rado le |  | Cherkezkata |  | Drama |  | Trite pati |
2 results, 1 page |
Festivals |
26 Jun 2013
- 22 Sep 2013
Kamena Vourla - GREECE
Internatıonal Folk Festıvals
09th - 12th of May 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
22nd - 26th of May 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 106 euro...
06th - 09th of June 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 82 euro...
26th - 30th of June 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 108 euro...
03rd - 10th of July 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 189 euro...
23rd - 30th of August 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 198 euro...
19th - 22nd of Septeber 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
30th of May - 2nd of June 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
13th - 16th of June 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
30th of June – 3rd of July 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 86 euro..
10th - 17th of July 2013
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 197 euro..
08th - 16th of August 2013
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 235 euro..
Contact : Arif Sönmez turkei_iov@yahoo.com 00905346001879
Applıcatıon Form
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
31 Jul 2013
- 7 Aug 2013
Международен конкурсен фестивал за вокални изпълнители, хорови колективи и инструментални групи „ Звездни мелодии”
International competitive festival for vocal performers, choirs and instrumental groups
„ Starries melodies”
It’s organized by: EUROGRADE Ltd, EUROGRADE BG Ltd, Association Bulgarian folklore with the assistance of Municipality Primorsko
from 31.07 to 06.08.2012
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, which is organized in Sofia and Primorsko.
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
In the competition can participate both professional groups and amateur vocal performers, choir collectives and instrumental groupsfrom different age groups.
Children – to 12 years
Youth - from 13 to 22 years
Adult – up to 22 years
1. Vocal performers
2. Choir collectives
• Mixed and uniform /men, women/
3. Instrumental groups
• Mixed and uniform / it’s depend of the type of the instruments/
Traditional/ folklore music;
Modern / pop music;
Classic music;
For vocal performers and choir collectives
The program must to include two songs, the first acapella, the second with music accompaniement- with total duration to 7 minutes, include entrence and exit from the stage and the pauses between the songs.
Note: The music accompaniement can be with live orchestra or on CD.
Use of symbek, only with studio recorded CD.
It’s not allowed performances on playback.
The violation of the time will be report from the jury, only if the results are the same of two participants.
It’s allowed participation in all the genres.
For instrumental groups
The program must to include 2 composition with total duration, as follows: children collectives- not more than 10 minutes, youth collectives- not more than 12 minutes; adult collectives- not more than 15 minutes.
Note: It’s allowed performances, part of production with biggest duration.
The violation of the time will be report from the jury, only if the results are the same of two participants.
It’s allowed participation in all the genres.
Techniques – quality of the sound, precision of the intonanation tone, precision of the pronunciation of the text;
Artistic – construction of the musical form, parameters of the musical interpretation and preservation of the style of the performed production, selection of the program, stage presence.
The competition of the festival will be held on the hall of the hotel “ Primary” or in the cultural centre of the city.
The festival program will be held on open stage in the center of the city.
It is envisaged a meeting with the municipality administration, video and photo capture of the performances.
In the application you must to fill the program of the group with the duration of the performances.
The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups. The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.
During the festival is provided for the participants accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment- inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
All the participants in the festival will receive diploma for participation.
Note: if the collectives are less than 3 in the different directions, genres and age groups, the festival will not have competitive character.
To participate in the festival, you must to fill (Application form) consisting of:Entertaining history of the ensemble;
precise address, phone number, fax and e-mail to keep up a correspondence with you, number of participants, list of the group, list of the participants in the festival.
To the application form, if it’s possible, you can attach video recording of the group, colour photos and advertising materials.
The application forms with the list of the group must to be send to the organizers not later than 15.03.13 on the below written addresses, telephones or emails.
The festival fee for participation in the festival is 15 euro per participant.
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD
- For the classed on first place: special prize of the festival, diploma and certificate for participation.
- For the classed on second place: diploma and certificate for participation;
Special nominations for:
- The best presented program
- The best conductor, soloidt, concert master, costume
- The most attractive performance
Dimitar Todorov
President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.
Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 4 Washington Str., phone: +359 2 9806076, mobile phone. +359 889 309 390 www.eurogradebg.com; emails: abf@dir.bg; office@eurogradebg.com; todorova@eurogradebg.com

Tatyna Todorova
2 results, 1 page |
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