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201 results, 26 pages | 14
Ensemble Balkan from Japan visited balkanfolk (4 photos)

29 August 2010
Balkanfolk 2010 in Koprivshtitsa (18 photos)

Balkanfolk workshop is a meeting of participants from around the world. Admirers of the Balkan folklore will experience the culture, traditions and customs of the Balkan countries and the beauty of Bulgaria.

In 2010 the workshop took place in Koprivshtitsa – a small museum-town, about 80 kilometres from the capital – Sofia, in Sredna gora mountain. The houses in the town have a specific architectural style which has been preserved during the years. In Koprivshtitsa ancient handicrafts can be seen and the history of Bulgaria can be felt.
More than 65 participants from Germany, France, Australia, Great Britain, Finland, Switzerland,United States, Hungary, Japan and Belgium attended to Balkanfolk 2010

27 August 2010
Ensamble Balgarche (9 photos)

We are a Bulgarian folk dance group located in Denver, Colorado. We have members from all over the world - Bulgaria, Croatia, USA, Mexico. Our first performance was for the Colorado University 2010 International Festival in Boulder, Colorado.

22 July 2010
(5 photos)

3 July 2010
Gaida - Concert (8 photos)

Gaida Concert 17.05.2010. Dijon, France

20 May 2010
Lalentse Ensemble (20 photos)

on 01.05.10. A contest has been held in Shumen, called "Children of Bulgaria singing, dancing, painting. The Group "Lalentse" from Kirkovo aera,municipality .V.Preslav managed by Venelin Borisov participated.The awards have been given by Nadia Milanova.In the competition with a piano performance Petra Stancheva took the second place.Atidzhe Mollova took first place with folk singing.

4 May 2010
група"Лаленце" (33 photos)

На 24.04.10г.в гр.Котел се проведе национален конкурс"Фолклорна огърлица".Участие взеха децата от група"Лаленце" от кв.Кирково,общ.В.Преслав с худ.ръководител Венелин Борисов,които спечелиха всички индивидуални награди,много парични наградии 2-ро място за група.По традиция председателя на читалището Надя Миланова почерпи децата с любимите им сладки и екскурзия до Жеравна.

4 May 2010
(6 photos)

1 May 2010
201 results, 26 pages | 14

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