 | Dzhanguritsa |  | Dunavsko horo |  | Kukunjasa |  | Pravo trakijsko horo |  | Trite pati |  | Drama |  | Opas |  | Cherkezkata |  | Neka doyde mama |  | Chichek |  | Ratsinata |  | Grancharsko horo |  | Lipnishko horo |  | Vlashko horo |  | Djinovsko |
24 results, 3 pages |
Festivals |
19 Aug 2008
- 24 Aug 2008
Hakodate, Japan
Hakodate World Music and Dance Festival
"Hitococochi, Inc." is organizing the 2008 World Music and Dance Festival "Hakodate Kokusai Minzoku Geijutsu Sai" (HAKODATE World Music&Dance Festival)in Hakodate city, Hokkaido, Japan. It will be held from August 19 to August 24, 2008.
The festival will combine four activities.
(1) An outdoor concert on a stage with a spectacular view in front of Hakodate Mountain.
(2) A parade in the historic Hakodate Bay area.
(3) Numerous smaller scale performances and workshops in cafes and music halls.
(4) Performances in local schools.
Hitococochi and IOV-JAPAN will welcome people ardently.
SOGA Naoto,
Festival Director
Invitation and Information
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
20 Aug 2008
- 22 Aug 2008
İzmir, Turkey
Izmir International Band Festival
Izmir International Band Festival will be held in Izmir from 20 to 22 August 2008.
The organizing committee welcomes the groups with 25 to 40 members to apply for participation in the festival. For further details please find the conditions attached.
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
25 Aug 2008
- 29 Aug 2008
Bracciano, Italy
First Folklore Fest “Bracciano Castle”
Dance, song and instrumental ensembles are invited to take part in the Festival.
The Festival has no competitive character. It’s puprose is to acquaint both the participants and the resort guests with the art, culture, traditions and habits of the participating countries, to create informal contacts between children and delegations’ officials, to provide good rest in Italy.
The festival is organized by Association SOPRAVISTA in collaboration with the Municipality of Bracciano and Department of Culture
Luca Mancino
Fests |
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24 results, 3 pages |
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