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5 Feb 2013

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V INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL'' KUD BISER 2014''Folklore groups, orchestras, majorettes, modern dance groups, choirs, music bands

Cultural Art and Society BISER will hold
The Festival will be held in two intervals such as:

• First term is from 5th till 9th February 2014
• Second term is from 6th till 10th August 2014

The first term is from 5th till 9th February

The participants will, beside the regular part of Festival (performing the choreography) have opportunity to meet the legal authorities in the whole Canton, visit to the Premier of Canton, exchange of presents, meeting the traditional cuisine of Canton starting with Bosnian stew, old traditional pies, sweets, pastries, etc.
The participants will also have opportunity to be informed about the cultural events of town Velika Kladusa.
The participants will have one day of association with all cultural and sports clubs in Velika Kladusa, such as sledging, making Snow man, different shapes and structures made of snow (cars, tree).
During the Festival will be organized two parties where at the first one, the participants should learn one of the traditional dances and second party will be to visit Disco club.
The second term is from 6th till 10th August 2014
The participants will participate in Una regatta in place Bihac, to try Rottary train /to visit one part of Una Sana Canton by train/.
One day will be reserved for visiting swimming pool in place called Coralici.
• Velika Kladusa is located in North-West part of Una Sana Canton, BiH. The closest border is Croatia, the nearest towns are Bihac (USC), Karlovac (Croatia).
Velika Kladusa is town with 50,000 inhabitants with developed cultural lives, known factories such as ‘Agrokomerc’ /famous biscuit TOPS/, ‘Sanitex’ /medical products, gaze, shampoo/, Grupex, constructional items, rich night life, a lot of disco clubs.
People of town are friendly and willing to share and learn other traditions, open-minded.

• Cultural Association Biser organizes the Festival on the different way. We attempt that a dancer-group do what they are suppose to do - to dance. We do not want that our participants make performances in market centers, at the squares. We do not want that our dancers feel exploited. We have visited a lot of festivals where it happened that we performed in the market places for our donators and so on. During our Festival, your only role is to be dancers, to represent a part of your cultural treasure, to be the ambassadors of your country on the places which are for that.
Our Festival starts with big parade where participate everyone not only cultural clubs but also all those people who feel young, all sport clubs and so on.

At the Youth’s square the Festival dance will be held where all groups participate and after the parade we all go to the sports hall where follows opening and the presentation of all participants of the 5th International Festival.

During the festival, the participants will be able to visit all Una Sana Canton, starting with town Velika Kladusa, Cazin, Bihać, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanska Otoka, Ključ. They will see the colorful landscape, the cleanest river in Europe, the river Una, drive by railway Rotary Club, attend to one of Una regatta white-water rafting and kayaking/canoeing, etc.

Velika Kladusa,
http://www.velikakladusa.gov.ba/ba/index.php http://www.bhtourism.ba/eng/velikakladusa.wbsp



Bosanska Krupa, http://www.opcinabosanskakrupa.ba/index.php?option=com_google&view=standard&id=1

Bosanska Otoka,


They will see the colorful landscape, the cleanest river in Europe, the river Una, drive by railway Rotary Club,

attend to one of Una regatta white-water rafting and kayaking/canoeing, etc.

Special offer for all those who wants more to see in US Canton:

-Rafting - place Kostela – Grmuša 15 km
Water temperature 2-3 degrees with a lot of rapids and downpour/falls
Rafting takes three hours on this path and we propose this path for all those who like white-water rafting with less adrenaline. 25 Euro for rafting, you get equipment: waterproof suit, boots, anorak, helmet, insurance and skipper. After rafting, we usually offer the Bosnian meal called ‘Bosanski lonac’ at the same end near river Una and ‘hurmašica’ – date-shaped Turkish pastry with price. In the evening, we suggest music. After picnic will be a party with alive music till late in the night, under ‘Bosanski šadrvan’ – as a tent, which is placed at the same winning post of rafting.

- Extra going to a Swimming pool ‘Ćoralići’ at the price of 2 Euro

We ask groups to inform us if they want to participate in rafting!

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