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22 Feb 2013 - 25 Feb 2013
Budapest - Hungary

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Internatıonal Dance Days

We are inviting you to come to the International Folk Festival
in Budapest from Hungary..


22 February to 24 February 2013

22 February – After the arrival at the capital of Hungary there is a possibilty of the optional tour: Citadel, the bridges over the Danube, Heroes' Square, City Park, Andrassy Boulevard, the Parliament, St. Stephen's Basilica. Some free time in Vaci Street. Accommodation in the hotel.
The possibility of organizing optional excursion - "The Danube Princess": The Danube cruise by a tour boat along the coast, with the most beautiful buildings and the famous bridges of Budapest will complete your impression of the Hungarian capital ... Dinner. Overnight stay.

23 February - After breakfast the option of going to the Budim part of the city and a tour of: the Chain Bridge, Fisherman's Bastion, the Church of King Matthias, the Ruler’s Palace, viewpoint places...
Preparations for the performance. Sound check.
The performance of the cultural-artistic societies. Awarding of diplomas. Dinner. The option of going to one of the Hungarian chardas(inns) or discos. Overnight stay.

24 February - Breakfast. After breakfast the possibility of half-day optional excursion - "Three Danube Pearls": Szentendre, a very important place for the preservation of culture and spirituality on the territory of Hungary; Visegrad, a medieval castle and residence of Hungarian rulers; Esztergom, the religious center of the state, which boasts the largest church in Hungary. Return to Budapest.

The journey continues towards the place of departure with the hope to see next year

Participation fee is: 69 Euro...

The cost includes:

- Accommodation in the hotels with ¾*, such as Golden park**** www.goldenparkhotel.hu,
- Green hotel***** www.greenhotelbudapest.com… based on 2 half-boards in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms
- Organizational costs
- Diplomas
- Letter of invitation
- Free place on every 25 th member

The cost does not include:

- There is a possibility of additional day at a rate of 20 euros
- Optional excursions (tour of Budapest, Szentendre, Visegrad, Esztergom, discos, dinner in one of the Hungarian chardas(inns), a boat ride...)

- Travel insurance

- travel expenses, parking at the hotel, vignettes, tolls...

Contact : Arif Sönmez + 90 534 600 18 79
Tanya Dermendzhiyska + 359 885609695 tanyad17@hotmail.com

applıcatıon form

Arif Sönmez
23 Feb 2013 - 1 Mar 2012
At the Chalet des Alpes, France

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Workshop on dances from Bulgaria, Macedoia and Serbia

Folk dance and music workshop "Gones‘ Balkans"

Reception: It opens on Saturday, 23th February at 2 p.m. There will be an introduction to the programme at 6 p.m followed by a welkome drink. The workshop closes on 1st March after lunch.

Dances classes: From 24th February in the morning to 1st March at noon (except for a one day excursion). There will be 6 hours of dancing everyday from 8.30 to 12.00 in the morning and from 3.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. in the afternoon.

Excursion: For one day we plan an excursion , exploring the surrounding area.

Evenings: Every evening, our dance teachers and their musicians will offer us the possibility to dance. There will be a party animated by the trainees and also a special party

Dance teachers:

Boris DIMITROV, former dancer of the group Zornitsa from Sofia. He currently directs the association Balkanfolk, which amongst other activities, organizes dance workshops in Bulgaria.
He will be accompanied by accordeon player Danail Totev.

Saško ANASTASOV, director of the group Vila Zora in Veles, a town situated south of Skopje.
He will be accompanied by a musician.

Vladimir TANASIJEVIĆ, from Belgrade, former dancer of the groups «Serojno Užice», «Kolo», and «Branko Krsmanovič». He has been the artistic director of the latter group for several years.
He will be accompanied by the accordeon player, Aleksandar

The deadline for enrolment is: 31st October 2012.
The attached enrolment form has to be filled in and sent with a check on 150 € deposit for the account of «La Ronde folklorique» to the following address:

9, allée Jean Marie PHILY
The check will be cashed in the beginning of December and a confirmation of your enrolment will be sent to you.

Organizers and Contacts
«La Ronde folklorique»
- e-mail: rondefolkloriquelyon@free.fr
- Website: www.larondefolklorique.com

For additional information call
The phone number of « la Ronde » :
00 33 6 75 95 94 40
Geneviève CIROVIC: 00 33 6 19 29 03 98

Flyer of Dance (French)
Flyer of Music (French)
Enrolment form of Dance (English)
Enrolment form of music (French)

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