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Festivals |
9 Jun 2013
- 15 Jun 2013
Bohinj lake, SLOVENIA
International folk dance and music competition ''BOHINJ 2013''
☼ International Folklore Music and Dance Festival BOHINJ 2013. is being held under the patronage of the BOHINJ city, June 10.-15., 2013.
It is gathering folk dance groups and music bands from all over the world, who like to meet new people and spend unforgettable holiday week in Bohinj, singing and dancing together.
☼ Festival organizers are TOURIST ORGANIZATION OF BOHINJ & Cultural Association ’’dr.France Presern’’, Folk Group ’’Kasarji’’ from Slovenia.
☼ Festival is competitive and is open for all groups, no age limit. Winners will be awarded by special cups and medals. Propositions of the festival competition will be sent to groups later.
☼ Competition part of the festival is not obligatory, only for groups that apply. All other groups take part in the review night.
☼ There will be 5 winning categories: best performance-dancing, best orchestra-music, best choir-singing, best costumes, best scenery.
☼ Also, there will be some ’’friendly’’ awards: best animation, most cheerful group, etc.
☼ Groups will have two performances at the festival. Each group has to prepare 5-15 min. of quality program. Performances are on the open air stages, wooden and concrete, also indoor (in case of bad weather).
☼ It is not necessary to have live music. It is also allowed to perform using CD, but it has to be of a good quality recording.
☼ Accommodation of participating groups is organized in the 2 and 3 star hotels as well as hostels on a half board basis (breakfast and dinner).
☼ Each group will get diploma for the participation to the festival, as well as DVD from the festival after the festival is finished.
☼ Every group will get official brochure of the festival with the presentation of the participating groups, in English.
☼ The group has to bring its national flag and board with the group name for the parade.
☼ Every group must have one English speaking person. Organizer will give an English speaking guide for every group who will be responsible for contact 24h a day.
☼ Number of participating groups is not unlimited and the places will be given to the groups who send their pre-payment first - 20€ per person (this amount is not refundable if the group cancels their participation).
☼ Each group has 1 free place for 25 persons who pay.
☼ The groups have to organize their travel to and from Bohinj.
☼ Date of ARRIVAL to Bohinj is 10.june 2013. Hotel check in is around 14h.
☼ DEPARTURE from Bohinj 15.june 2013. after breakfast. Hotel check out is at 9h.
☼ For the groups that are coming by plane, the organizers can arrange transfers from airport to hotel and back for the price of 25 eur per person, return ticket.
☼ For the groups that are coming by plane, the organizers provide transfers for the performances free of charge.
☼ For the groups that are coming with their own bus there is a free parking place in the hotels area.
☼ If group needs visa, it is responsibility of the group to arrange it! Organizers can only give invitation letter to groups and can not interfere to visa issuing process and make extra contacts to embassies.
☼ The groups are recommended to have insurance policy for all their members.
☼ Application form, few group photos and short biography, should be sent latest until February 15th 2013.
Contact person:
Mrs. DRAGANA Mirkovic
e-mail. myfolkfest@gmail.com
mobtel +381 63 340 770
fax. +381 11 69 93 762
skype. mirkovicdragana
☼ ACCOMMODATION is on a HALF BOARD basis (breakfast and dinner included), in a triple and 4 bedded rooms with bathroom. See next section for details. Pre-payment (20eur per person) should be done latest till March 15th, 2013. The rest of money can be paid upon the arrival to a festival place.
☼ Payment details will be sent to you after receiving your application form.
Please take care that this amount is not refundable if the group cancels its participation.
All participating groups will be accommodated in following hotels:
HOSTEL POD VOGLOM ** / FESTIVAL FEE is 100eur per person (5 nights)
RESIDENCE TRIGLAV ** / FESTIVAL FEE is 105eur per person (5 nights)
HOTEL BELLEVUE / FESTIVAL FEE is 110eur per person (5 nights)
☼ For all 3 type of accommodation, additional payment for a double room is 10eur per person (for whole period) and 20eur per person for a single room (for whole period).
The organizer keeps right to change the festival program.
Final program will be given to groups upon their arrival to the hotel.
1.day 14h, arrival of groups, check in to hotel
(first meal is dinner)
free time
18h dinner
21h TECHNICAL MEETING group leaders and organizers
2.day 9h breakfast
RECEPTION – gift exchange
1-2 group representatives and 1 pair in costume
free time
18h PARADE – short defile walking through the city center and short presentations in the streets (1-2 min.)
opening ceremony
performances of the groups – review night BOHINJ
21h dinner
3.day 9h breakfast
10h going to BLED lake for an excursion and performance
performances of the groups – review night BLED
21h dinner
4.day 9h breakfast
free day
performances of the groups – competition night BOHINJ
closing and award ceremony
21h dinner
5.day 9h breakfast
free time
18h dinner
21h FAIRWELL PARTY (all groups together)
gift exchange between groups and organizers
6.day 9h breakfast
departure of the groups, after breakfast
latest till 10h check out

Dragana Mirkovic
Concerts |
13 Jun 2013
Николай Падалски
Festivals |
15 Jun 2013
- 21 Jun 2013
15.06.2013 – 21.06.2013
It’s organized in Primorsko by "EUROGRADE" LTD, "EUROGRADE BG" Ltd with the assistance of
Primorsko Municipality and Association Bulgarian Folklore
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, it’s organizing in Sofia and Primorsko:
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
Exchange of information and creative achievements of the dance styles.
Deadline for submission of application form: - to 10.04.2013;
Type of the festival: The festival doesn’t have a competitive character, only concerts on the stages in city Primorsko and Kiten.
In the festival can participate children folklore dance groups, vocal groups, instrumentalists and soloists.
Age group:
Age group of the festival is to 12 years.
- Don’t have limit for the number of participants.
- The program of every group must to include own concert, and participation in the other mixed concerts with duration from 5 to 30 minutes.
- The program must to include one song- acappella, the other with music accompaniment- for participation in the mixed concerts with duration from 5 to 30 minutes.
- Note: It’s recommended to be with live orchestra.
- Use of CD only with studio CD recording.
Condition for participation in the festival is obligatory to fill an application form / application form /,indicated: artistic biography of the group, video, colour photo images and promotional materials, address, phone, fax and e-mail address.
Selection of the groups will be provide from Arts Council by the following criteria:
Compliance of the application with the conditions of the regulation;
Riches of the creative biography;
Originality in costumes, dances, songs and orchestra;
Participation in other international events;
Participation in other events and festivals of "EUROGRADE” Ltd
It is recommended for the children's ensembles to be presented with live orchestra, or only studio CD or Mini CD.
The group, which are approved by the Arts Council will be informed to 20.04.2012, and in the same time must to submit the festival fee of the above bank accounts.
The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups.
During the festival the concerts and the competition nights are on open summer stage in Primorsko and Kiten and on open stages in the area of the municipality.
It is envisaged a festive parade before the start of the concerts in each of the festival, exhibitions - bazaar of souvenirs, a meeting with the municipality administration, video and photo capture of the performances.
(The organizers reserve the right of any kind of recording, filming, broadcasting and distributing of the material without paying for rights and benefits.)
For all participants of the festival has the following entertainments: Disco, Neptun’ s night, Miss and Mister Festival.
On the Gala concert will be allowed only the nominated groups and these which the jury estimate.
For all participants in the festival were provided participation diplomas, plaques for the nominated, which will be presented at the gala concert.
During the festival is provided for the participants accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment.
You can receive Information about actual offers for accommodation on this email: office@eurogradebg.com
The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.
Festival fee / 8 days, 7 nights/ - inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Transport costs for the participants during the festival of the stages in Primorsko and Kiten are for the cost of the organizers.
The fees obligatory must to be paid by bank transfer in 15 days, after the confirmation for participation from the organizers. In this period it is necessary to send the transfer confirmation by email or fax. Applications without confirmation are canceled.
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD
NOTE!!! For receiving invoice, please send us this information: Name of the person which send the money, or organization, company, identification number or personal number, address, and the name of the owner of the company.
Note: The groups must to arrive on 15.06 after 12 o’clock and to depart on 22.06.13 after breakfast.
All the participants will receive plaque/ prize of the festival and diploma for participation.
Dimitar Todorov
President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.
Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 4 Washington Str., phone: +359 2 9806076, mobile phone. +359 889 309 390 www.eurogradebg.com; emails: abf@dir.bg; office@eurogradebg.com; todorova@eurogradebg.com

Tatyna Todorova
Festivals |
16 Jun 2013
- 19 Jun 2013
Слънчев бряг - пред хотел Кубан
”Нестия артфестивал интернационал - Слънчев бряг 2013”
Имаме удоволствието да поканим на ”Нестия артфестивал интернационал - Слънчев бряг 2013”, който е част от Националната кампания на Български Арт и Фолклорен център „Нестия” „Да запалим и съхраним огъня Български” и Програмата на центъра „За привлекателна и атрактивна България”.
Съорганизатори са Български арт и фолклорен център “Нестия”, Курортен Комплекс „Слънчев бряг” и туристическа фирма „Кондор”.
Фестивалът обхваща 4 концертни вечери - 16,17,18 и 19 юни, от 20.30ч. в Слънчев бряг на открита сцена пред хотел „Кубан” и паралелно на сцената в амфитеатър „Арена” в комплекс Свети влас. Участници ще бъдат танцов ансамбъл „Столник” от едноименното селище, танцов състав „Бисерче” – Суходол, както и гостуващи групи от Молдова, Грузия, Украйна и други.
Силвия Георгиева
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