 | Silistrenska sborenka |  | Chapraz |  | Opas |  | Grancharsko horo |  | Opas |  | Koychovata |  | Glavinishko horo |  | Denyovoto |  | Lyavata |  | Sborinka |  | Chibur |  | Hodila Doyna za voda |  | Dalgoto |  | Raka |  | Kiorcho |
5 results, 1 page |
Workshops |
21 Jun 2013
- 27 Jun 2013
Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv
9th Bulgarian Folk Music and Dance Seminar, Plovdiv
Dear Friends of Balkan Music and Dance,
Summer is always full of festivals and other events worth attending, but our Bulgarian Folk Music & Dance Seminar, which takes place in the beautiful ancient city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, is unique because of the way tradition comes to you. Our rich, one-of-a-kind program couples the teaching expertise of instructors from the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv with the music and dance wisdom of tradition bearers from around the country.
• Dance classes are taught by “village masters” from various ethnographic regions in Bulgaria. Different groups of dancers and musicians are featured throughout the week, teaching dances and songs from their own villages.
• Instrument classes are taught by some of the finest teachers in the country. Lessons on traditional Bulgarian instruments (gudulka, kaval, tambura, tupan and gaida) are offered to both beginners and experienced students, while modern instrument classes (accordion, violin and clarinet) are oriented toward players who already have some experience.
• Singing classes are very inclusive and welcome students at all levels. Songs and singing styles from various regions are presented, focusing both on voice production and ornamentation.
All classes are translated from Bulgarian into English. A Bulgarian language class, as well as some optional evening social activities offer you an opportunity to widen your experience of Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian Folk Music & Dance Seminar, now in its 9th year, is especially designed for non-Bulgarians (or Bulgarians interested in connecting with their "roots" music and dance) who want a more in-depth opportunity to learn Bulgarian traditional instruments, singing styles, and dance than is normally possible for groups or individuals traveling to Bulgaria. Please refer to our website for more information.
We are continuing our special 15% discount for members of the East European Folklife Center (www.eefc.org).
Participants from past years have raved about their wonderful experiences at the Seminar. You can get a glimpse of this from the many photographs, student comments, and information from previous Seminars that is available on our website (www.folkseminarplovdiv.net). You can also take a look at the Seminar's new Facebook page, Bulgarian Folk Music & Dance Seminar, Plovdiv (or just search Plovdiv Folk Seminar).
Registration may be completed online. Payment for the Seminar can only be made by bank transfer or on-site payment; details are on the website.
Feel free to contact us with any questions - we speak English, Bulgarian, Greek, German and Russian! Please mark these dates and consider becoming a part of our big family!
Seminar Flyer
Dilyana Kurdova
Festivals |
22 Jun 2013
- 18 Jul 2013
Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 4 Washington Str., phone: +359 2 9806076, mobile phone. +359 889 309 390 www.eurogradebg.com; emails: abf@dir.bg; office@eurogradebg.com; todorova@eurogradebg.com
Let’s all sing and compete in singing, let’s all play and excel in playing, let’s all dance and out dance.
Organized for eleventh consecutive time by “EUROGRADE” LTD and “EUROGRADE BG” LTD with the support of Primorsko Municipality
I - 22.06 - 30.06.2013 ; II - 01.07 - 09.07.2013 ; III - 10.07 - 18.07.2013
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, it’s organizing in Sofia and Primorsko:
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
Exchange of information and creative achievements of the dance styles.
Deadline for submission of application form: - to 10.04.2013;
Type of the festival: The festival doesn’t have a competitive character, only concerts on the stages in city Primorsko and Kiten.
The age group in the academy is to 25 years.
In the academy can participate folklore dance and vocal groups, instrumental players and solo- singers, as well as performers from other art genres.
Out of the academy program, can participate and other groups without restraints in the age, at the same conditions in the offer.
Attached offer period days/nights Make inquiry for price :
Summer art academy 2013
- period:
I 22.06 -30.06.2013;
II 01.07 - 09.07.2013
III 10.07 - 18.07.2013
The Academy includes 3 sessions for 10 days.
During each session 2-5 concerts are performed in Primorsko, Kiten and other settlements in the municipality. They are also underlying in the program of Primorsko Municipality.
- Don’t have limit for the number of participants.
- The program of every group must to include own concert, and participation in the other mixed concerts with duration from 5 to 30 minutes.
- The program must to include one song- acappella, the other with music accompaniment- for participation in the mixed concerts with duration from 5 to 30 minutes.
- Note: It’s recommended to be with live orchestra.
- Use of CD only with studio CD recording.
The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups.
During the festival the concerts and the competition nights are on open summer stage in Primorsko and Kiten and on open stages in the area of the municipality.
It is envisaged a festive parade before the start of the concerts in each of the festival, exhibitions - bazaar of souvenirs, a meeting with the municipality administration, video and photo capture of the performances.
(The organizers reserve the right of any kind of recording, filming, broadcasting and distributing of the material without paying for rights and benefits.)
For all participants of the festival have the following entertainments: Disco, Neptune’s night, Miss and Mister Festival.
On the Gala concert will be allowed only the nominated groups and these which the jury estimate.
For all participants in the festival were provided participation diplomas, plaques for the nominated, which will be presented at the gala concert.
For the participants during the festival is provided accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment.
You can receive Information about actual offers for accommodation on this email: office@eurogradebg.com
The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.
Festival fee / 10days, 9 nights/ - inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Transport costs for the participants during the festival of the stages in Primorsko and Kiten are for the cost of the organizers.
The fees obligatory must to be paid by bank transfer in 15 days, after the confirmation for participation from the organizers. In this period it is necessary to send the transfer confirmation by email or fax. Applications without confirmation are canceled.
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD
NOTE!!! For receiving invoice, please send us this information: Name of the person which send the money, or organization, company, identification number or personal number, address, and the name of the owner of the company.
Note: The groups must to arrive after 12 o’clock and to depart after breakfast.
All the participants will receive diploma for participation.
Dimitar Todorov
President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.

Tatyna Todorova
Festivals |
24 Jun 2013
- 29 Jun 2013
Lloret De Mar - SPAIN
We invite you on IV International Festival of Folklore in Spain
" Festival Internacional De Folclore Lloret De Mar 2013 ”
24.06 – 29.06.2013.
24th June -In morning hours arrival to the most famous tourist centre in Costa Brava-Lioret de Mar, which is 65 kilometres from Barcelona. Hotel accommodation. Lunch. Info-meeting group representer. Afternoon relaxing. Sightseeing of town, walks, and going to a performing place, town square..dinner. Facultative going out to a discoteque. Dinner. Overnight stay.
25th June – Breakfast. After breakfast possible going to tour Barcelona. Lunch (lunch packet) for those who go to Barcelona. After arriving to Barcelona follows sightseeing of Gaudi’s Barcelona, church commited to Sagrada Familia), Guel Park and well-known house of Batila and Milo. After tour of Gaudi’s works follows a walk along the main street of Barcelona, Ramblom, andthan Gothic square and tour of Barcelon cathedral, Parliament, Picaso’s museum…After that free time for walks, sightseeing of Barcelona. Leaving to Lloret de Mar. Dinner. Facultative going out to some of the discoteques or going out to a flamenco club “La Siesta”. Overnight stay.
26th June - Breakfast. After breakfast possible visit of Aqua park or leaving to the beach…swimming, water sports…Lunch. Afternoon is planned for preparations for defile and performing. Dinner.
Defile through the city of all societies and leaving to main town square where the performance is predicted. (in case of bad weather performance is going to be in a confined space).
Opening”IV Festival Espana 2013” and performance of cultural-art societies!!!
After the performance possible facultative leaving of whole societies to Diskoteque Holywood or Flamenco club. Overnight stay.
27th June - Breakfast. After breakfast, facultative possible going to Barcelona and second tour of town: visit to the museum and the most famous and the most beatufil stadion with possibility of buying souvenirs with inicials of FC Barcelona…After tour of Nou camp, leaving toa Monjuik hill and visiting of Olymphic comlex (royal stadion, Calatravin tower, National library)…possible tour to famous aquarium of Barcelona… Free time for sightseeing…Return to Lioret de Mar. Lunch. (Lunch packet for those who go to Barcelona). Dinner.
Perfomance preparation. Perform of cultural-art societies!!!
Facultative going out to discoteque holywood or flamenco show. Overnight stay.
28th June – Breakfast. Leisur activities or possible facultative tour to Barcelona or Port Aventura part-theme park with extrodinary attractions, so called Spanish “ Disneyland”! Incredible attractions:Dragon Khan, riding a boat through falls, Condor flight, temple of fire…or tour to Water park and the longest (tobogan) in Europe (250m long) as many other water attractions such as (toboggan) “kamikaze” mountain river…lunch. Preparation of societies for friendly night….Dinner. Friendly night. Overnight stay.
29st June - Breakfast. After breakfast, unfortunately, leaving of Lioret de Mar and going to France with occasional breaks…At arriving to Kan follows the tour and sightseeing of movie palace, golden stairs, fortress…After Kan sightseeing of Nice: English promenade, Nike monument, Opera, Shato, monument for the dead, Garibaldi’s house…
Price of registration
5 days fee is 165 Euro
4 days fee is 135 Euro
(paying goes in several month payments till departure time)
The arrangment price includes:
- Five days in Loret de Mar three star hotel, like Gran Garbi***, Garbi Mar***, Montevista***, Xaine Park***, Garbi Park*** hotel, Casino hotel***, Selva Mar ***… (breakfast, lunch and dinner – BUFFET SERVICE in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms)
- Performance on “Festival Espana 2013” (1-3 performances) which will be performed in Lioret de Mar, Defile of all societies on town square, representing of societies…
- Degrees after performance
- Inviting letter
- Additional seat on every twenty fifth member
The arrangment price doesn't include:
- we can arange overnight staying in way to Lloret de Mar ( in hotels near Venice, Vicenza... – depend of hotel from 25 – 28 e for night with breacfast ) and in way back from Lloret de Mar in same hotel“s or in Milano – also depend of hotel“s from 25 e – 28 e per for night with breacfast )
- Additional day cost 28 € a person in hotel Lioret de Mar (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- Facultative tours ( Barcelona 15 €, Flamenco la Siesta show 25 €, Camp Nou 20 € , Aquarium Barcelona 17 €, Water world 20 € … )
- insurance
Note: All ensembles must provide their own music, leading orchestar or music CDs. Each ensemble is obligated to set two performances in duartion of 10 minutes.
If you want invıtatıon when you send me applıcatıon form..I will send you offıcıal ınvıtatıon in one week...!!!
Contact : Arif Sönmez
turkei_iov@yahoo.com - info@anatolianfolk.org
www.anatolianfolk.org - www.anatolianfests.com
Applıcatıon Form
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
26 Jun 2013
- 22 Sep 2013
Kamena Vourla - GREECE
Internatıonal Folk Festıvals
09th - 12th of May 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
22nd - 26th of May 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 106 euro...
06th - 09th of June 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 82 euro...
26th - 30th of June 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 108 euro...
03rd - 10th of July 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 189 euro...
23rd - 30th of August 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 198 euro...
19th - 22nd of Septeber 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
30th of May - 2nd of June 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
13th - 16th of June 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
30th of June – 3rd of July 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 86 euro..
10th - 17th of July 2013
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 197 euro..
08th - 16th of August 2013
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 235 euro..
Contact : Arif Sönmez turkei_iov@yahoo.com 00905346001879
Applıcatıon Form
Arif Sönmez
Parties |
27 Jun 2013
Николай Падалски
5 results, 1 page |
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