 | Lipnishko horo |  | Kasamsko |  | Srednogorska kopanitsa |  | Ramagane |  | Radomirsko horo |  | On my way to... |  | Cherkezkata |  | Hei, Stanko |  | Hodila Doyna za voda |  | Na zelena morava |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Tsibarsko |  | Rachenik |  | Rachenitsa na horo |  | Raka |
10 results, 1 page |
Festivals |
United States of America
5 Apr 2007
- 6 May 2007
Branson, Missouri
Silver Dollar City World-Fest 2007
America’s largest international folklore festival, Silver Dollar City World-Fest 2007.
From April 2nd through May 6th 2007 four master craftsmen from Bulgaria will be demonstrating their craftsmanship before the people of the Mid-western United States.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Workshops |
7 Apr 2007
- 15 Apr 2007
In the island of IKARIA (Egean sea)
Greek traditional dances seminar
Dances from IKARIA and Islands with CHRISTIANA KATSAROU (organizer) and dances from Minor Asia and Cappadocia with CHRISTOS THEOLOGOS.
Pedagogy at least 5 hours/day + attendance to local festivities (very special during Orthodox Easter), evenings with musicians, etc ... please get in touch with us for more detailed infos...
Maryse Fabre
Festivals |
10 Apr 2007
- 14 Apr 2007
Palma de Mallorca
12th World Folkdance Festival - Palma de Mallorca
The 12th edition of the World Folkdance Festival will be held in Palma de Mallorca on 10-14 April 2007. Groups are invited to apply for the International Competition to participate.
As of today, the following countries have confirmed their participation in the 12th edition, which will take place from 10 to 14 April 2007.
Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Ecuador, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kenya, Luxembourg, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Rwanda, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA.
Balkanfolk Team
Festivals |
18 Apr 2007
- 25 Apr 2007
Antalya, Turkey
8th International Antalya Children Festival
8th International Antalya Children Festival organized by FOMGED Youth Club in Antalya, Turkey.
Children throughout the world will meet again in a Fomged Festival, which is participated by thousands of children annually, and will send their friendly and peacefully messages to the whole world from Antalya.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
20 Apr 2007
- 25 Apr 2007
III.EGE-FOLKART Intern. Chıldren Folk Dance & Music Festival
’International Ege-Folkart Culture & Art Festival’’
II.International Ozdere Children Folk Dance and Music Festival
“ EGE – FOLKART YOUTH CLUB ,, will organize 3rd International Children Festival in 20-25 April 2007 with Ozdere Municipality.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Workshops |
22 Apr 2007
- 30 Apr 2007
Izmir, Turkey
Anatolian Sunshine, Practical Seminar for Turkish Folklore
The presantatıon and practice of Anatolıan Folk Dances, Folk Music and Tradıtıonal Costumes will be organized as a Workshop between the dates of 22nd and 30th of April,2007.
The main purpose is to welcome people who dedicate their life to folklore from different
Cultures and countries all over the world, to Exchange ideas and also to give importance to the world’s PEACE.
The Responsibilities of Organization Committee
Attendance Fee
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
23 Apr 2007
Anniversary concert of the ‘Shiroka Laka’ National School for Folklore Arts
Folklore concert of the choir, the band and the dance ensemble on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the ‘Shiroka Laka’ National School for Folklore Arts.
7 pm, Hall 11
National Palace of Culture
Борис Димитров
Concerts |
27 Apr 2007
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
28 Apr 2007
“Syndical house of transport workers”, Sofia
Concert of Ensemble "Martenica" (Hungary) in Sofia
The Folk Dance Group "Martenica" presents Bulgarian folk dances since 1982. Оn the occasion of it's 25 anniversary, the group organize a concert in Sofia, in "Syndical house of transport workers", 28.04.2007, 18.00 h. On the stage you will see also Folk dance group BALKAN – Sofia.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
29 Apr 2007
National Opera and Ballet, Sofia
Anniversary concert of the "Sredets" Bulgarian Folklore Ensemble
Bulgarian folk dance concert on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the "Sredets" Folklore Ensemble from Sofia, Bulgaria.
6:00 PM
National Opera and Ballet
Sofia, Bulgaria
Balkanfolk Calendar
10 results, 1 page |
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