 | Lipnishko horo |  | Kasamsko |  | Srednogorska kopanitsa |  | Ramagane |  | Radomirsko horo |  | On my way to... |  | Cherkezkata |  | Hei, Stanko |  | Hodila Doyna za voda |  | Na zelena morava |  | Sitno vlashko |  | Tsibarsko |  | Rachenik |  | Rachenitsa na horo |  | Raka |
7 results, 1 page |
Fests |
2 Jun 2007
Sapareva banya
Bulgarian Dance Holiday "103 gradusov horovod"
Bulgarian Dance Holiday "103 gradusov horovod" with participation of Loran folklore group from Sofia, Bulgaria, Chinary - Club for Bulgarian dances from Sofia, Bulgaria, Biser Folk Ensemble from Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and Sapareva banya Folklore Ensemble.
7:00 PM
Борис Димитров
Festivals |
8 Jun 2007
- 11 Jun 2007
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
10 Jun 2007
- 17 Jun 2007
Izmir, Turkey
3th International Izmir Music and Dance Festival
4th International Izmir Music and Dance Festival organized by FOMGED Youth Club in Izmir, Turkey.
Folk Dance, Ballet, Modern Dance, Music, Chorus, Band and Harmonica groups can participate in the festival.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
13 Jun 2007
Mladost sports hall, Dimitrovgrad
A Concert of the Zvezditza dance ensemble from Dimitrovgrad
On June 13, the popular choreographer Dimitar Doichinov turns 70. A concert on the occasion of his anniversary will be held by Zvezditza dance ensemble performing his choreographies.
The concert will be held on 13 June 2007 from 7 pm in Mladost sports hall in Dimitrovgrad. Free entrance.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Spectacles |
20 Jun 2007
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
United States of America
21 Jun 2007
Oakland, CA 94612
Kitka in concert with Merita Halili and Raif Hyseni
Kitka in concert with Merita Halili and Raif Hyseni with special guest percussionist Polly Tapia Ferber
One performance only!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
8 PM
1st Unitarian Church of Oakland (close to 12th St./City Center BART!)
685 14th St.
Oakland, CA
Ticket prices: $22 advance/$25 door/$20 EEFC members, seniors, students, groups of 10 or more. Reservations and info: 510.444.0323
This special summer solstice concert will feature Albanian songs of love, loss, work, immigration, and the seasons from Albania, Kosova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Northern Greece, and Calabria, Italy.
Balkanfolk Team
Workshops |
United States of America
23 Jun 2007
- 30 Jun 2007
Mendocino Woodlands, California
2007 Mendocino Balkan Music & Dance Workshop
The Balkan Music & Dance Workshops offer a unique opportunity to join in a celebration of music, dance and traditions—an enjoyable learning experience in an informal and supportive atmosphere. In addition to instruction in vocal, instrumental and dance techniques, we offer folklore presentations, staff and student concerts, jam sessions and incredible evening parties with live music. We emphasize traditional and contemporary folk music and dance from the Balkans, but material also may be included from neighboring regions of Central Europe and the Near East.
Balkanfolk Team
7 results, 1 page |
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