Festivals |
3 Oct 2007
- 7 Oct 2007
24th International Folk Dance Festival of Tournai
The International Folk Dance Festival of Tournai was recognized by the C.I.O.F.F. (Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d'arts traditionnels, status B of UNESCO) in february 1993
In the 24rd International Folklore Festival Tournai participants are next folklore groups:
Argentina : Gran ballet Argentino
Belarus : Khorochki
Belgium : Pas d'la Yau
Poland : Lublin
Serbia : Abrasevic
Turkey : Antakya Academic Folk Dance Group
download the program
Balkanfolk Calendar
Festivals |
12 Oct 2007
- 14 Oct 2007
the village of Mikrevo, Bulgaria
4th International Folklore Festival “Maleshevo sings and dances”
4th International folklore festival "Maleshevo sings and dances" organized by Strumyani Municipality and “Old Bulgaria” Foundation.
Besides the Bulgarian performance, during the three festival days, the open stage in the village of Mirkovo showed ensembles and artists from Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Belarus and Kosovo.
Balkanfolk Calendar
Concerts |
19 Oct 2007
Chitalishte "Saglasie", Yambol
"Koleloto na jivota" Folklore Concert
"Koleloto na jivota" folklore concert of "Rombana" folk dance group - chitalishte "Saglasie" and participation of "Yambolche" vocal instrumental group.
6:00 PM
Hall of Chitalishte "Saglasie"
Yambol, Bulgaria
Balkanfolk Calendar
Spectacles |
28 Oct 2007
“Days of the Friendship” – Luxembourg
“Days of the Friendship” – Luxembourg
Folklore ensemble “Zornitsa” was invited to participate in the “Days of the Friendship” festival which will be held on 26-29 October, 2007 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The ensemble will be presenting songs and dances from all parts of Bulgaria that will enchant the audience and show them the magic called Bulgarian folklore. Ensemble “Zornitsa” will be the first Bulgarian group ever to visit the G.D. of Luxembourg.
Ivailo Parvanov