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26 Jun 2013 - 22 Sep 2013
Kamena Vourla - GREECE

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Internatıonal Folk Festıvals


09th - 12th of May 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..

22nd - 26th of May 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 106 euro...

06th - 09th of June 2013

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 82 euro...

26th - 30th of June 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 108 euro...

03rd - 10th of July 2013.

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 189 euro...

23rd - 30th of August 2013

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 198 euro...

19th - 22nd of Septeber 2013

Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..



30th of May - 2nd of June 2013.

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..

13th - 16th of June 2013.

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..

30th of June – 3rd of July 2013.

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 86 euro..

10th - 17th of July 2013

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 197 euro..

08th - 16th of August 2013

Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 235 euro..

Contact : Arif Sönmez turkei_iov@yahoo.com 00905346001879

Applıcatıon Form

Arif Sönmez
31 Jul 2013 - 7 Aug 2013

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Международен конкурсен фестивал за вокални изпълнители, хорови колективи и инструментални групи „ Звездни мелодии”

International competitive festival for vocal performers, choirs and instrumental groups
„ Starries melodies”

It’s organized by: EUROGRADE Ltd, EUROGRADE BG Ltd, Association Bulgarian folklore with the assistance of Municipality Primorsko
from 31.07 to 06.08.2012
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, which is organized in Sofia and Primorsko.
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
In the competition can participate both professional groups and amateur vocal performers, choir collectives and instrumental groupsfrom different age groups.

 Children – to 12 years
 Youth - from 13 to 22 years
 Adult – up to 22 years

1. Vocal performers
2. Choir collectives
• Mixed and uniform /men, women/
3. Instrumental groups
• Mixed and uniform / it’s depend of the type of the instruments/

 Traditional/ folklore music;
 Modern / pop music;
 Classic music;

For vocal performers and choir collectives
The program must to include two songs, the first acapella, the second with music accompaniement- with total duration to 7 minutes, include entrence and exit from the stage and the pauses between the songs.
Note: The music accompaniement can be with live orchestra or on CD.
 Use of symbek, only with studio recorded CD.
 It’s not allowed performances on playback.
 The violation of the time will be report from the jury, only if the results are the same of two participants.
 It’s allowed participation in all the genres.

For instrumental groups
The program must to include 2 composition with total duration, as follows: children collectives- not more than 10 minutes, youth collectives- not more than 12 minutes; adult collectives- not more than 15 minutes.
Note: It’s allowed performances, part of production with biggest duration.
 The violation of the time will be report from the jury, only if the results are the same of two participants.
 It’s allowed participation in all the genres.

Techniques – quality of the sound, precision of the intonanation tone, precision of the pronunciation of the text;
Artistic – construction of the musical form, parameters of the musical interpretation and preservation of the style of the performed production, selection of the program, stage presence.
The competition of the festival will be held on the hall of the hotel “ Primary” or in the cultural centre of the city.
The festival program will be held on open stage in the center of the city.
It is envisaged a meeting with the municipality administration, video and photo capture of the performances.
In the application you must to fill the program of the group with the duration of the performances.
The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups. The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.
During the festival is provided for the participants accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment- inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
All the participants in the festival will receive diploma for participation.

Note: if the collectives are less than 3 in the different directions, genres and age groups, the festival will not have competitive character.
To participate in the festival, you must to fill (Application form) consisting of:Entertaining history of the ensemble;
precise address, phone number, fax and e-mail to keep up a correspondence with you, number of participants, list of the group, list of the participants in the festival.
To the application form, if it’s possible, you can attach video recording of the group, colour photos and advertising materials.
The application forms with the list of the group must to be send to the organizers not later than 15.03.13 on the below written addresses, telephones or emails.

The festival fee for participation in the festival is 15 euro per participant.
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD

- For the classed on first place: special prize of the festival, diploma and certificate for participation.
- For the classed on second place: diploma and certificate for participation;
Special nominations for:
- The best presented program
- The best conductor, soloidt, concert master, costume
- The most attractive performance

Dimitar Todorov

President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.

Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 4 Washington Str., phone: +359 2 9806076, mobile phone. +359 889 309 390 www.eurogradebg.com; emails: abf@dir.bg; office@eurogradebg.com; todorova@eurogradebg.com

Tatyna Todorova
3 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2013
Almyrida, Chania

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Seminar on Greek Dances at Crete, Greece

A workshop on Greek Traditional Dances will be organized in Crete,
3-9/8/2013,at Almyrida-Chania,GREECE. We assure that if you Join it you’ll enjoy traditional Cretan Life, Dance Courses & Holidays, all... in 7 days

CHANIA IS the most beautiful area of Crete, known for the typical old town, the old Venetian port & castle and the natural beauty.
ALMYRIDA has beautiful sandy beaches with crystal clear waters, safe and awarded with blue flag, they are also home to water sports, diving and fishing. The hills with the olive trees and the mountain range of Lefka Ori (White Mountains), give to the area the best climate.
Cretans’ hospitality and the traditional Cretan food & wine, will make your holidays EXCEPTIONAL!

-Dance courses in full A/Ced conference room every morning 09.30-12.30 plus some evenings 18.00-20.00.
-Choreographers will be Mary Markaki, dances from Crete, Islands & Asia Minor, Panagiotis Goulas, dances from Sarakatsans & Thrace (Evros), plus more choreographers (announced end of April). In the workshop we’ll teach dances from all the areas of Greece (Crete,Islands,Asia Minor,Pontos,Macedonia,Thrace,East Romilia,Thessaly,Epirus,Peloponissos,Cyprus) PLUS Cretan man/women solos
A Briefing+details in writing will be given by the choreographers on dances, music, costumes & customs.


**WE’LL PRODUCE DVDs FROM ALL THE WORKSHOP (Dance courses, nightlife, excursions…)**

- Lessons of “Rizitika” Songs and Cretan cuisine by the villagers of my village Embrosneros
-Climbing the famous White Mountains & collecting health herbs and summer fruits -Visiting Cretan sheppard’s farms, “help” and spend time with them (eating, singing, dancing), also visiting Alidakis castle
-Excursions to Venizelos’ Graves, Knossos palace & Heraklion museum, Chania old town & Venetian port, beaches Falassarna & Elafonissi
- Cruise at Gramvoussa and Balos lagoon (www.gramvousa.com)
- Bowling, games on the beach + other …surprises!!

We’ll stay at Almyrida Beach Hotel & Studios, 4 stars hotel, that is exactly on the beach of the village (www.almyridaresort.com).The rooms provide A/C, SatTV, Fridge, Hairdryer, Bath, Radio, Direct Dial Telephone, sea/mountain view balconies. The hotel also provides bars, 3 swimming pools and also (at local charge) Jacuzzi, Safe deposit box and Mini Bar. In the hotel restaurants are served real Cretan specialties, but also you can taste all the different styles of cuisine as fish, meat, pizza, souvlaki..at the village’s taverns on the beach.

....is: 680/person in double/triple room (reduced price!). Friends or family guests, who will not attend the dance courses, could be with us everywhere and pay 550 Euros in double room. For kids till 12 years old more reduced cost!
Cost Includes: a.6 nights’ accommodation with half board b. Dance courses c.2 CDs, d. Writing material

Cost/night: ab.45 euros in double room, 4bed cabin ab.60 euros, tranp/on in Athens by metro/taxi

Useful Infos
ARRIVAL-Distances from/to ALMYRIDA: Airports= Chania 27Km (taxi approx.45 euros), Heraklion 157 Km (taxi approx. 120 euros),
Ports=Chania/Souda 19Km (taxi approx.25 euros), Rethymnon 25Km (taxi 55 euros).
Also, there is bus service connection 3-4 times/day to Chania, Rethymno, Heraklion and the near villages.

AIRTICKETS: www.olympicair.com, www.aegeanair.gr, www.viva.gr, www.bluebird.gr, www.ryanair.com,

BOAT:www.anek.gr(simple ticket ab.35 euros,cabin bed ab. 60-65 euros-daily fares in half prices & don’t need bed—ask me)

Taxi service can be arranged from the hotel to transfer you, from/to airports and ports, as also to go at the local festivities, any time/date-night (charge on your own), in better rates than if you search free taxis !

Registration Deadline
IS…30th June - Early July 2012! Beware, most of people visit Crete/Greece this specific period of August, so book flights & boat tickets before April, as later you’ll not find cheap fees. Ask agents for offers!

REGISTRATION-DETAILS: Mary Markaki, Tel.+30-6944-330486

Mary Markaki
4 Aug 2013 - 10 Aug 2013

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Tatyna Todorova
4 Aug 2013 - 10 Aug 2013

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Tatyna Todorova
4 Aug 2013 - 11 Aug 2013
Granja Escuela Arlanzón

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Crisol de Cuerda 2013, Fiddlecamp, folk music and dance

We are happy to introduce Crisol de Cuerda Fiddlecamp, 6th edition, (www.crisoldecuerda.com) to you all, a non-profit project, a gathering around traditional folk music and dance. Creativity, practice, experimentation, knowledge and freedom living together in an intense, rich and healthy way.
Driven by the master Alasdair Fraser, and with many other folk masters, we will work together with fiddle, cello, guitar and diatonic accordion, as well as, a very hot spot this year, world and balfolk dances.
Crisol celebrates in Arlanzón (Burgos, SPAIN), from 4th to 11th August, in a very joyful environment, full of Nature and music. Everyone is welcome, no limits of age nor skill level. We invite you all too to have an eye on the web site (www.crisoldecuerda.com). Questions? Please contact us in info@crisoldecuerda.com or by phone.
As a simple of the last year’s Crisol, here (https://vimeo.com/66958294) you can see a part of the final celebration, in the form of a really funny and informal concert.
Thank you very much, we hope this will be of your interest!

Crisol de Cuerda's Team Crisol de Cuerda's Team
9 Aug 2013 - 11 Aug 2013

Силвия Георгиева
11 Aug 2013 - 18 Aug 2013

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1000 EUR
The festival is part of a series of events in the program of the Festival season 2013, it’s organizing in Sofia and Primorsko, including:
The festivals are included in the cultural program of Primorsko with the assistance of the mayor of the municipality.
The festival has the objective to give a chance for expression on a significant number of children and young people and help raise their motivation to engage in constructive creative activity as a preventive measure in combating the vicious addictions (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and aggression.
Exchange of information and creative achievements of the dance styles.
Deadline for submission of application form: - to 10.04.2013;
Type of the festival: The festival has a competitive character with prize fund 1000 euro


In the festival can participate dance groups, schools, community centers, Palaces of children, studios, clubs at home and abroad, without age restrictions.
The condition to participate in the festival is obligatory to fill application form in which must to complete: biography of the group, video recording, colour photos, address, telephone number, fax and email for correspondence.
Age group:

- Children - to 9 years,
- Children and youth - from 10 to 15 years
- Youth - from 16 to 29 years

• 70 % from the participants in some of the age groups must to answer to the age limit
• It’s possible some of the participants which perform in one age group, to participate in another, but they must to pay second fee for participation.

Competition categories:
- solo
- duet
- chamber groups - to 7 person
- formation - up to 8 person
- Duration of the performance in the category solo and duet/ couple to 2: 30 minutes, in the categories chamber groups and formations to 5: 00 minutes( in the case that exceeds the duration of the jury is entitled to suspend the performance).
- Each group can take part in the competition with a maximum of 1 (one) dance in any one of the age groups and competitive categories.
- Out of the competition, the program of each group must to include possibility for solo concert, and participation in mixed concerts with duration from 5 to 30 minutes.
- For participation in mixed concerts, the time for performance is to 15 minutes.
- It’ s recommended for the majorette groups to be presented with live music orchestra, for the other groups with CD or mini CD.
- The competition is not conducted in styles, but it’s looking for- the most attractive show performance
- Classification will be held at least 3 participants in each category and age group.

1. Technique of the performance:
Evaluate the accuracy in the technique of performance corresponding to the chosen style of the choreographer, the level of complexity (technical skills), originality of interpretation, implementation of the chosen dance technique, line and rhythm.
2. Composition (choreography):
To evaluate the choice of dancing elements and their composition, shapes, variations, use of playground space dance (the dance pattern), originality in the use of different connections and shapes.
3. Image:
Presentation, stage / acting presence of the performers, contact with the audience, assessing the costume, makeup in accordance with the idea and style of choreography.
4. Show presentation/ idea:
Stage show performance from the performers on the dance floor and its impact on the audience by presenting and recreating the theatrical and metaphorical images, drama, requisite / set design, acrobatics, the exact full expression of the idea in the choreography by exposure, development, climax and finale.

By all the criteria the judge can give from 1 to 10 points, which means that the maximum points for a dance performances are 40 points, and minimum is 4 points.
It’ s recommended to have a maximum result from 160 points to win the prize, to participate in all the competitive categories/ solo, duet, chamber groups and formations/, and if it’s possible in all the age groups.


The prize fund is determinate at least 100 participants minimum. If the participants are less, the prize fund will be reduced proportion to the registered participants.
The distribution of prizes is completed on the base of complex classification of the groups, in all of the age groups and categories, according to the numbers of the win places. If the result is equal, definitive is the amount of total points.

 First place - 50% from the prize fund
 Second place - 30% from the prize fund
 Third place - 20% from the prize fund

The programs for individual participation and these for the festival days will be given in the day of the arrival of the groups.
During the festival the concerts and the competition nights are on open summer stage in Primorsko and Kiten and on open stages in the area of the municipality.
It is envisaged a festive parade before the start of the concerts in each of the festival, exhibitions - bazaar of souvenirs, a meeting with the municipality administration, video and photo capture of the performances.
(The organizers reserve the right of any kind of recording, filming, broadcasting and distributing of the material without paying for rights and benefits.)
For all participants of the festival has the following entertainments: Disco, Neptun’ s night, Miss and Mister Festival.
On the Gala concert will be allowed only the nominated groups and these which the jury estimate.
For all participants in the festival were provided participation diplomas, plaques for the nominated, which will be presented at the gala concert.
During the festival is provided for the participants accommodation in hotel two stars, on the base of full board in city Primorsko against payment.
You can receive Information about actual offers for accommodation on this email: office@eurogradebg.com
The organizers reserve the rights to change the programs, if it’s necessary.

Festival fee / 8 days, 7 nights/ - inquire for actual offer and details on email: office@eurogradebg.com
Transportation costs to Primorsko and back shall be paid by the participants!!!
Fee for registration in the competition- 15 euro- every dancer must to pay it one time participation fee.
Transport costs for the participants during the festival of the stages in Primorsko and Kiten are for the cost of the organizers.
The fees obligatory must to be paid by bank transfer in 15 days, after the confirmation for participation from the organizers. In this period it is necessary to send the transfer confirmation by email or fax. Applications without confirmation are canceled.
Information about the bank transfer is:
BULBANK PLC Commercial Bank, Central Branch, 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
BIC (Bank Identifier Code): UNCRBGSF Bank Accounts/ IBAN/: BG85UNCR70001520484598 Account Holder: EUROGRADE LTD
NOTE!!! For receiving invoice, please send us this information: Name of the person which send the money, or organization, company, identification number or personal number, address, and the name of the owner of the company.

Note: The groups must to arrive on 11.08 after 12 o’clock and to depart on 18.08.13 after breakfast.

Dimitar Todorov

President of the “Association Bulgarian folklore”
Manager of „ EUROGRADE” Ltd.
Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 4 Washington Str., phone: +359 2 9806076, mobile phone. +359 889 309 390 www.eurogradebg.com; emails: abf@dir.bg; office@eurogradebg.com; todorova@eurogradebg.com 1

Tatyna Todorova
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