 | Chula te mama, Rado le |  | Mari Stoyne |  | Cherkezkata |  | Drama |  | Trite pati |  | Staro breznishko horo |  | Ludo kopano |  | Vlashko horo |  | Svatbarska rachenitsa |  | Neda voda nalivala |  | Aftanska rachenitsa |  | Lipnishko horo |  | Zalyubila malka moma |  | Gankino horo |  | Srednogorska kopanitsa |
5 results, 1 page |
Festivals |
26 Jun 2013
- 22 Sep 2013
Kamena Vourla - GREECE
Internatıonal Folk Festıvals
09th - 12th of May 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
22nd - 26th of May 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 106 euro...
06th - 09th of June 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 82 euro...
26th - 30th of June 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 108 euro...
03rd - 10th of July 2013.
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 189 euro...
23rd - 30th of August 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 198 euro...
19th - 22nd of Septeber 2013
Age till 16 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
30th of May - 2nd of June 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
13th - 16th of June 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 79 euro..
30th of June – 3rd of July 2013.
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 86 euro..
10th - 17th of July 2013
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 197 euro..
08th - 16th of August 2013
Age till 14 - 28 years old, number of persons is not limited.
Accommodation in hotel *** in Kamena Vourla, in 1/3 and 1/4 rooms, at base of 3 half boards (breakfast and dinner)
Hotel Sissy.. perperson 235 euro..
Contact : Arif Sönmez turkei_iov@yahoo.com 00905346001879
Applıcatıon Form
Arif Sönmez
Festivals |
4 Aug 2013
- 10 Aug 2013
Tatyna Todorova
Festivals |
4 Aug 2013
- 10 Aug 2013
Tatyna Todorova
Workshops |
4 Aug 2013
- 11 Aug 2013
Granja Escuela Arlanzón
Crisol de Cuerda 2013, Fiddlecamp, folk music and dance
We are happy to introduce Crisol de Cuerda Fiddlecamp, 6th edition, (www.crisoldecuerda.com) to you all, a non-profit project, a gathering around traditional folk music and dance. Creativity, practice, experimentation, knowledge and freedom living together in an intense, rich and healthy way.
Driven by the master Alasdair Fraser, and with many other folk masters, we will work together with fiddle, cello, guitar and diatonic accordion, as well as, a very hot spot this year, world and balfolk dances.
Crisol celebrates in Arlanzón (Burgos, SPAIN), from 4th to 11th August, in a very joyful environment, full of Nature and music. Everyone is welcome, no limits of age nor skill level. We invite you all too to have an eye on the web site (www.crisoldecuerda.com). Questions? Please contact us in info@crisoldecuerda.com or by phone.
As a simple of the last year’s Crisol, here (https://vimeo.com/66958294) you can see a part of the final celebration, in the form of a really funny and informal concert.
Thank you very much, we hope this will be of your interest!

Crisol de Cuerda's Team Crisol de Cuerda's Team
Festivals |
9 Aug 2013
- 11 Aug 2013
Силвия Георгиева
5 results, 1 page |
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